4. Make a List of What You Can Do Right Now


So in what order exactly should you start a business? Let’s approach the process little by little in a practical way.

What do you want to sell? Whether you’ve already decided or are still making considerations, first think about what you want to sell. For that purpose, I want you to start by creating a list of what you can do. You may think this is easy, but I want you to be very careful while doing so.

The reason why is that in most cases, this first step is where people make big mistakes. If you make a mistake here, your business will surely fail. In fact, most people in the world end up living unhappily because of this mistake.

I’m sure when you thought of listing what you can do, you thought the following.
“Let’s list the things I like to do!”

We all want to do what we like to do. We want to work on what we like, achieve self-fulfillment, and live a fulfilling life. It’s an unquestionable notion that has found its way into our minds and been heard repeatedly from all forms of media and education since our childhoods. 

Be careful. This is the second kind of poison. 

If you were Picasso or Einstein, of course you could just do what you like. If you were captain of the varsity football team in highschool, or you’re a capable person who isn’t even slightly intimidated by what others may say, just go ahead and keep on doing whatever you like.

However, I wasn’t any of that. I’m not good at speaking with people, and I dropped out of highschool. I’m so frail that if I work late for a single night, I catch a cold and end up bedridden. So then what should a person as incapable as me make a list of? 

What you can do. Right now.

Don’t sit in any seminars, don’t go to any trade schools, don’t get any qualifications. Make what you can already do right now into a business.

How can a person who has never been able to acquire any advanced skills in his or her life become a lover of learning just by changing his or her way of thinking? You don’t have any special skills whatsoever? No expertise, no education, no connections, nothing to put you one step ahead of your peers?

Who did you compare yourself with to make you think such a thing? Not being able to write programs compared to Mark Zuckerberg? Not having strong beliefs compared to Steve Jobs? 

You are unknowingly making a mistake in what or who you are comparing yourself to.
From a young age, we are repeatedly exposed to success stories of great men and women, and sometimes even to fabricated lies, and almost all of us have developed the habit of believing that we are incapable of doing anything compared to them. 

First, let’s get rid of that habit! 

Human genes are nearly the same as those of apes. There’s certainly no reason why humans should be so different from one another!

We’re just starting a small business here, so I want you to take it easy on yourself. Alright, now let’s make that list of all the things you can do right now.

The Full Version Here

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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
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  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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