2. Why Smart People Fail, and Incapable People Succeed


Once you start a business, an endless world of freedom awaits you. You can wake up any time you want, go wherever you want, sell products to whoever you want. Something I felt soon after starting my business is that: ‘capability’ has almost nothing to do with business success.

If capable and incapable people have to compete within the same company, under the same set of rules, it’s plain as day which will win. It’s tough for incapable people to win. 

Over these few years, I’ve seen many entrepreneurs start businesses up close and personal, and what separates those who succeed from those who fail is not smarts, background, connections, or financial resources. To put it another way, there was no business that was certain to succeed or certain to fail. Competence isn’t a major factor, even when the person believes so.

Even CEOs of leading companies who step down due to deteriorating business performance immediately after being hailed as management professionals and gleefully showing off their personal lives to the media mistake the reason for their success as coming from their own abilities. That’s why they don’t even understand why they failed. Sometimes, even after daring to restructure a company at the cost of the jobs of tens of thousands of people, they are still unable to understand what they’re doing. Competence, connections, and background are of no use in the great scheme of things. Let’s think about this the other way around.

It means that people can be successful if they follow certain steps without going against the flow of the world, even without special abilities, connections, or a solid background.

The Full Version Here

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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  1. Original method created from real-life experience.
  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
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  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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