

Have you ever read something titled like this: “Plain Old Housewife Makes Big Bucks With New Business!” and had the following experience?

“Hmm. If a regular old housewife can do it, there’s no way I can’t. Let’s roll up my sleeves and give it a shot!”

You close the book and look at the profile section on the back cover. The author graduated from a prestigious university, was a former employee of a massive global enterprise, and is shown dressed in a luxurious suit, of course with a gorgeous smile.
Where is the plain old housewife!?
Your shoulders droop and you think to yourself:
“I guess it’s just not for incapable people like me…”

In this book, I’d like to start off by introducing myself so that you won’t feel like you’ve been betrayed… or maybe even bullied!

I was 35 years old when I started my business. Until then, I had never even had so much as my own business card. I had zero experience with starting a business. Maybe 10 years before I could have applied for an inexperienced part-time job, but I couldn’t afford to do that at the time.

Because I was already unemployed.
I had zero track record, contacts, or experience. To top it all off, I live in such a rural area that the nearest bookstore is an hour’s drive away, and I often feel annoyed by the smoke from the controlled burning going on in the fields around us when I go on walks with my son.

I’ve never been good at talking to people, and I dropped out of highschool. My body is frail and I was hospitalized 3 times by the time I was 20. I only ever chose jobs where I didn’t need to talk to people, and moved from job to job, working in warehouses, production lines, and kitchens. I was married and had a three year old son. What on Earth was I going to do moving forward?

I started a business.
Why did I make such a clearly reckless choice? There are 2 reasons.

The first reason is, with a background like mine you can’t get a job at a good company.

I mean, think about it. What are the odds that an unemployed, middle-aged man with no good work experience can become a full-time employee in a huge downtown office? About 10%? That is far too optimistic a number. Without a doubt, it’s around 0%. In that case, the chances of making my own business and succeeding have to be way higher, right?

Now, the second reason.
I wanted freedom.

I wanted freedom! Ever since I was young, I thought to myself: “Screw working in an office! I’ll live a free life without ever working overtime!”
I wonder how that worked out…

Like an old man who got scammed by a too-good-to-be-true investing opportunity during the market bubble, I now live in the countryside, bating my breath. At this rate, I could feel negative thoughts and regrets like, “Why didn’t I just get a job when I was younger?” get stronger and myself get more miserable as years pass by.

That’s why I started a business!

Again, objectively speaking, I was an “incapable person” whose academic, physical, and communication skills were pretty much at rock bottom. After starting my business, as you’d expect, things soon came to a standstill. Within a month, things weren’t going as I had expected in the slightest. Just like in school, sports, work, everything up until now, I failed to achieve anything.

You may ask “Why don’t you plan ahead?”

If I were able to plan ahead, I wouldn’t even be in this situation! I just thought things would work out…

Two months after starting the business, I was down to my last $100.
Things didn’t work out.

I couldn’t pay my son’s daycare fees because I had no money in my account, and one day he came home from daycare with a letter of demand in hand. Later, I looked at the face of my son as he slept, not even slightly aware of anything going on. I had no way to pay next month’s rent. In order to earn even a little extra money, I took on jobs with wages so low even students wouldn’t consider them. I worked so hard that I had no time to sleep, and the payoff was laughably small. My back was aching from being on the computer too much, my eyes were bloodshot, and my right hand had developed tendonitis and it hurt like hell to even hold a mouse. Obviously, it would have been much easier to just work a part-time job.

I thought about giving up.
There’s no way my business would work out after all.

That’s when it happened.
Nobody taught me anything, I didn’t read any books. I explored and changed my services and my workstyle. My product didn’t change. I just started selling the same thing in a different way. I didn’t even think it would work. Everything I’d done by that point hadn’t worked, so I just winged it, thinking, “It won’t work anyway.”

Two years passed.
I was breaking $100,000 a year in earnings.


I didn’t attend any seminars, I didn’t even learn any new skills. Yet I was down to working about an hour per day.
Maybe I was just lucky? Maybe after some time, things will go back to normal?

Three years passed. Four years passed.

There were no signs of a slowdown in profits anywhere. On the contrary, I was increasingly earning more at a steady pace. Could this be, perhaps… success? For those of us who have been unsuccessful for so long, it takes time before we recognize ourselves as successful. That’s because the thought “I’ll just end up failing in the end, anyway” never goes away. As I watched my bank account balance grow, I didn’t feel any joy, I didn’t exclaim “I did it!” I had a stronger and more curious feeling of, “Why didn’t things work out sooner?”

Because I hadn’t changed a single thing.

That’s right. “Changing yourself” is an idea for ‘capable’ people. They’re capable, so they can change themselves. I had always thought that ‘incapable’ people couldn’t change themselves, and that’s why we fail. Yet I’m still the same lazy, socially awkward, incapable person, with the same mild stutter. Why am I successful despite this? I began to look back on my past and summarize what I had done, one thing at a time, to understand why someone like myself was able to succeed. I have worked with people who are entrepreneurs in many different fields. Time and time again I have seen people far better than me fail, one after another. There are several patterns to success, and they differ from person to person. Or so I thought at the time.

However, as I recalled the difficult phases I had encountered and the things I had done in the past, it became clear and palpable to me how an incapable person could succeed without changing his or her personality. How we can make our business work without changing who we are. If I had known this from the start, I wouldn’t have had such an awful time and could have been more successful from the get go.

This is not a book about an investment technique for stocks or cryptocurrencies. It’s not about increasing your wealth with easy methods. This is real business. Selling things and services. Doing business. Helping incapable people start businesses, cross paths with capable people, make money, and get their lives back on track. This book is a compilation of ideas and methods that I have learned from my own personal experiences. I hope that it will provide some hints for people who aspire to obtain more freedom in their life.

Have I piqued your interest a little?

Well then, let’s get started.

The Full Version Here

Amazon Kindle eBook
SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  1. Original method created from real-life experience.
  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
  3. FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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