1. Prepare Yourself! Even Now the World is at War


I wonder what kind of world you see before you. I’m sure a lot of you reading this feel like the world you knew as a child is long gone. Is the world you see and the world the person next to you sees the same?

Before you start a business, you must set your fighting spirit ablaze. Because even if your heart is filled with love and peace, once you take a step out of the office, wolves are on the prowl and they enjoy killing for sport.

What kind of a world do we live in? If your perception is too far off from reality, you’ll waste a lot of time and effort. The world is very simple. The basic nature of human relationships hasn’t changed since the Stone Age. That is: silver-tongued ‘capable’ people rake in land and property, cheat their opponents, and expand their wealth.

How similar is the “bullying” that weaker children in schools encounter to what the weak nations of the world are subjected to! The middle-ranked countries play games to see which of the powerful countries win, the powerful countries test each other’s strength, and finally a hegemonic system is decided and formed. Did you never see a similar situation back when you were in school? What happens between children and what happens around the world is fundamentally the same. We’re all the same humans, so it’s only natural. But as adults, the world we see is much more deceitful and complicated, so it can be harder to see.

It’s not uncommon for charitable organizations that appear to be full of love and smiles to actually be criminal organizations committing human trafficking.

Offering a poisoned cup at a reconciliation banquet.
Propagating false information about competitors.
Stealing information and then killing the victim.

We must not forget that business is an extension of these human activities. At least, I’d like for you to keep in mind that there are a number of people who think so.

In business, to be deceived is to “die.”

Even I myself always thought that art and culture has more value than business. But one day, I realized something. If we are deceived by lies or oppressed by sheer force, even art and culture can disappear from the world. 

I don’t even need to bring up the numerous tribes and civilizations that disappeared from this world to know that naive and easily trusting people literally die off.

No matter how noble people are, or how wonderful their culture is, they need only lose a war to disappear forever. The culture is abandoned, survivors are enslaved, and wealth is seized. 

Never forget! The business world is no different. 

You might think that if you provide an honest service, your business will perform well. Why, then, do honest stores go under and yet investment banks that cheat customers and sell them worthless products make huge profits? Survival does not equal fairness or honesty. Of course you don’t have to copy ‘capable’ people in this world to get through to them. You don’t need to be the kind of person who would abandon colleagues with whom you have worked together for years without feeling a thing. However, you do need to know and recognize risks.

The presence of ravenous beasts that appear in the savannah.
The poisonous apples that lure you in with vivid colors.
You must know them properly. 

You can lose everything because of just one malicious person.

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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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