3. When Incapable People Mimic Capable People, They Fail


The reason I started my own business was because I lost my job. Whatever the reason, that in itself isn’t unusual.

I didn’t have any work experience in the field I wanted to get into, I had no connections, and of course, I had no income. On the contrary, I had debt. Despite the fact I couldn’t even find a new job, I was just taking daily walks with my son. If you had been in my shoes, what would you have done?

I decided to start a business.
For some reason, I thought: “Maybe if I give it my best shot, it’ll work out.” Maybe I had been watching some kind of TV show about that kind of thing. Whenever we hear a success story about someone like Edison or Ford (or maybe Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg nowadays), we seem to always be shaken, moved, and empowered!
“Alright! I’ll give it a shot, too!!!”

But at the exact moment you clench your fists, you have taken a sure step towards a new kind of failure. The success stories of these historical greats is one of those vivid, poisonous apples.

Don’t forget it. There may be some parts to these stories that serve as hints to capable people with incredible endurance and inhuman persistence. However, for incapable people like myself, they are a dangerous trap.

Even in the wild Savannah, it’s not always the strongest fighters that survive.

The Full Version Here

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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  1. Original method created from real-life experience.
  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
  3. FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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