8. “Who to Sell to, and Where” is Everything in Business


Your business idea is starting to come together. However, as I mentioned before, deciding what to sell isn’t the biggest hurdle.

“Who do I sell to, and where?” This is everything.

If you turn a spigot at the park, you can get tap water for free. Naturally, this tap water would never end up on the table of a luxurious, high-end restaurant. If you were to take it to the middle of a desert, though? It would have unimaginable value.

Such unrealistic things happen on the internet on a daily basis.
How can you find people who really need a product?

By the way, the business I started was making homepages. I never learned how to do it in school and I can’t even use photoshop. I still can’t use Illustrator. Naturally, I’ve never worked at a homepage making company. I had just made a few websites before because people I knew asked me to.

The Full Version Here

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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  1. Original method created from real-life experience.
  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
  3. FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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