9. Who Should ‘Incapable People’ Partner With?


The only option I had left was getting someone other than myself to make sales. There are services available for this kind of thing, but I didn’t have the money to hire anyone.

No money to hire someone, but unable to do it myself.
Truly a textbook case of an ‘incapable person’.

Why on Earth did I start a business?
The situation is pathetic and helpless, but it’s reality.

You can’t change your personality so easily. Even if I were to take seminars and practice smiling to be a good salesman, I’d just end up looking unnatural and fake. However, a “nice person” who has a calm personality and is not pushy, or who is incapable of kicking someone off his or her feet, or who is too willing to make concessions during important negotiations is an ‘incapable’ person in the business world.

The Full Version Here

Amazon Kindle eBook
SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.

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  1. Original method created from real-life experience.
  2. Start a business From: 0 funds, 0 connections, and 0 experience.
  3. FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
  4. You can read it on your mobile phone.
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SMALLERS: Methods and Ideas that Helped ‘Incapable’ Me Create a Successful Small Business.
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